18 July 2008

Day before Treasure Quest 2008

Yup! That's the theme for one of the projects we’ve been working on. Treasure Quest 2008 will roll out tomorrow after months of planning and tons of emails. At 6.45am tomorrow, 91 children & youth will roam the streets of KL for a 5 hour hunt. The Quest is going to be bigger, better and more challenging this time. It was a hit last year and due to popular demand, our brains started churning again for the comeback.

At this age, we find ourselves concocting crazy ideas and activities for children. Activities that we wish we had while we were young. Imagine winning Air Asia flight tickets, a few hundreds worth of cold cash and incredible merchandise vouchers just by solving cryptic questions and having a pure adrenaline rush. How is that fun or is that FUN?!

I’m reeling with excitement waiting for Friday to be over. A few more loose ends to wrap up and we’re all set for the quest. It’s such a privilege to plan and head projects like these. The teamwork amongst the committee, the mounting excitement from the kiddos and the miracles along the way are simply priceless. Thank You Lord for great ideas and fantastic people You surround me with.

More updates on Treasure Quest after tomorrow!

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