29 October 2008

Life's discoveries

“You learn something new everyday” – I love that phrase because life is all about advancing, adding on and enriching every possible facet. Recently the Rangers leaders spent the long weekend at a retreat in Gopeng. One of the activities we did was the DISC profile. It’s been many years since I completed one of those lengthy 5-pager test – if you’ve completed one, you’d understand what I mean (200 questions and counting).

What I found out about my personality was quite intriguing. I was a S-C-D-I. Here's what it means:

Steadiness: Empathetic & Cooperative. These people tend to be team players and are supportive and helpful to others. They prefer being behind the scene, working in consistent and predictable ways. They are often good listeners and avoid change and conflict.

Conscientiousness: Concerned, Cautious & Correct. These people are often focused on details and quality. They plan ahead, constantly check for accuracy, and what to know "how" and "why".

Dominance: To the point, decisive and bottom line oriented. These people tend to be independent and results driven. They are strong-willed people who enjoy challenges, taking action, and immediate results.

Influence: Optimistic and outgoing. They tend to be highly social and out going. They prefer participating on teams, sharing thoughts, and entertaining and energizing others.

What was more startling was that people saw or expected me to be a D-S-I-C profile. Perhaps it has to do with the role(s) I play in the family, ministry & work and the situations that I’m faced with that forced me to raise the bar. I find it interesting that personality does not hinder you from performing tasks, but it determines HOW you perform the task.

While personality tests are just a gauge for various times and seasons, it is never to limit what we can do or are called to do. I do believe that God has created each one of us uniquely and differently in order to perform tasks specific to us and fit into different roles unique to us. He has made us the way we are for reasons we will stand in awe one day and say “Wow God, You are amazing because You knew me right from the very start – way better than I know myself. I am a better person because You have challenged my weaknesses and stretched my capabilities. I am a blessing only because of who You made me to be."

The important thing is to know who we are in Christ. Recently I shared at the Youth church about understanding who they are. I quoted:

“Until we know who we are in Christ, we will never do great things”

...and the only way to do that is to ask the Creator Himself! After all He intricately wove every cell and fiber of ours in our mummy’s womb, meticulously crafted a blueprint of our years on earth and patiently waited until we recognized Him as Maker.

I’m still on the quest of knowing who I am in Christ – learning something new every day! If you’re not already on this journey, I challenge you to embark on it. The discoveries are priceless.


Anonymous said...

heheh... tot we did the DISC test last year back in Touchpoints?

Deborah said...

Hmmmm I completely forgot. No recollection of it!:) Btw, what was your profile?