23 July 2008

Splattered Paint

What are passions and dreams for if they are not fulfilled? Are they mere wishful thinking or fluffy clouds we ride upon when we need to escape from reality? I believe they exist for a reason and they are there waiting for action to be taken.

The clock is ticking too quickly and our calendar is constantly flipping. We’ve once again taken a bold step to follow our hearts (after much prayer of course!) Splattered Paint is the resonance of it and we specialize in children and youth events.

The core of it really stems from our love and unquenchable passion for children and youth. The other reason is also because we realize we all these bizarre ideas popping up that we desperately need a channel to express them. There’s no way of stopping it! Inspiration seems to come at anytime, anywhere. So instead of drowning each other with these amazing ideas, why not share it! Brighten someone’s day with it! Create tangible memories and do what we love best!

Do read more about us here. For now it’ll occupy most of our time outside of work and some of our weekends. Our new and exciting journey has only just begun and the sky is our limit! …but not without your love and support.

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