10 June 2008

Discovery Camp 2008

There is always at least one significant memory stemming from every camp I’ve attended or planned since I was young. There was the cockroach story in Bukit Cahaya outpost camp, then the tiger court in one of the pow wow’s, also the giant eagle archway in camporama – the memories go on and on – because of a handful or even one indelible incident.

Last weekend at Discovery Camp, it was the minor flood that happened at 4am on Sunday. 32 children sleeping soundly in their tents were suddenly awoken by a relentless downpour. The field where we camped was flooded within minutes. I was privilege to have a tent to myself, but soon proofed that company is better than none. My tent started leaking and water seeped in steadily from the sides. I was still snug in my sleeping bag denying that my sleeping bag was already damp and soon becoming wet. Tired from the day’s activities, I was determined to sleep through the rain – even if it meant sleeping on my knees to stay dry.

The merciless rain that now reached shin deep kept pouring and I was forced out of my tent to save the other children from the same ordeal. Covering myself with a garbage bag I made a dash to shelter, got into a raincoat and got back to the field. The children stuffed their bags belongings and scrambled under our raincoats for shelter. We modified all kinds of water proofing material just to get them to shelter. From raincoats to ground sheets – whatever we could get hold of.

The 4am wake up call soon left us drenched and tired. By 5am, we were back to sleep. Now this incident will be what the children and leaders will talk about yonker years from now. I'd leave you with some pictures that left a smile on my face even after camp :)

Yes! It's a real camp, sleeping in tents and roughing it out

Our stock of fuel for hot blazing fire

Menu for lunch: Maggie mee, cabbage and erm... particles of sand!

Bleuk! "Why did Cmdr. Sarah make us eat flour?!"

Elizabeth had a good strategy - blow away the flour and you'd find the sweet!

Found it!

"Am I suppose to smile while looking ridiculous?"

Hannah striking a clowny grin

Joshua - the fastest obstacle racer

The four racers for the obstacle relay. This picture cracks me up somehow...

This one even more! I know it's not the best looking pic of me. I detest the 'peace' sign in photos, but I unconsciously consciously did it... Urgh! Look at Mel's expression!!! Rachel seems to be the only decent one in this picture.

A camp is not complete without a councilfire. Notice the logs around the fire - that comes in handy when the marshmallows and sausages are skewed and roasted over the fire. Yum!

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