21 May 2008

Nutritional splash!

Since young I have been spared from traumatic experiences of mom shoving multi-vitamins or cod liver oil down my throat. I’ve always been thankful for a healthy body and never really needed much vitamins for boosters.

On the contrary now that I’m an adult, I’ve discovered an interest in vitamins and supplements. My interest takes me to the extent of me reading and researching, but not intense enough to get my purse out of my bag.

Coincidentally, my mom has been indulging in some nutritional fad where the whole family is required to take 5-6 tablets of spirulina every day. Rachel brags about how her pimples have cleared and mom insists that it helps with her digestive system. Dad and bro just gets by (sometimes squirming to swallow).

Naturally as part of the family, I get one bottle for me and hubby too. We’ve been trying very hard to be diligent at it. So far we’ve only taken it 5-6 mornings consecutively. The results are not obvious so I’m personally quite skeptical about its boastings. Maybe time will tell…

Just so you know, the tablets smell horridly green. But here are some facts about Spirulina to perk your nutritional interest:

  • Spirulina is a form of algae (no wonder the smell!) that has a high amount of protein – which means it’s great for muscle building.
  • A single Spirulina speck only measures up to .0196850394 inches in length!
  • It has a combination of minerals such as; iron, calcium, and magnesium and a bunch of other vitamins (all in that small tablet?!)
  • It has a high concentration of Vitamin B useful for breaking down carbs and lipids (no wonder mom says it helps with her digestive system)
  • It anti-inflammatory elements also helps prevent heart disease and arthritis

Note: Spirulina is not cheap. If you’re willing to invest RM350 per bottle for better health, I guess it’s worth a try. But I think I’d revert to more fresh fruits and veggies after we’re done with this one.

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