03 May 2008

Facts and finding of our honeymoon

Here are some facts and numbers we gathered throughout our honeymoon. No... we're no mathematician but it's fun when numbers come into play. Terence carries a little black book and diligently jots down every single detail!

  • 12,000 feet was the height we sky dived. Equivalent to about 500-600 double storey houses stacked on top of each other
  • 1,324 was the number of kilometres we traveled in the north island
  • 2,129 was the number of kilometres we traveled in south island
  • 720 was the amount we spent on petrol
  • 500 was the approximate number of dolphins we saw swimming at sea
  • 328 metres was the height we stood overlooking Auckland's city scape
  • 89 was the number of road kills we saw along the way
  • 48 was the number of ventilation holes on my Crocs sending chilling winds to my feet
  • 43 metres is the height of Terence's bungy jump from Kawarau Bridge
  • 10 was the number of kilometres we canoed down the Wanganui River
  • 6 was the packets of Grain Waves we ate whilst on the journey
  • 5 was the number of times we cooked meals instead of eat out
  • 4 was the number of rainbows we saw at Milford Sound
  • 1 was the One God that journeyed wits us throughout making it an incredible holiday
  • 0 was the temperature when snow started falling

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