Day 13- Honeymoon
On the wheels again up north, to Christchurch. Many people who have lived here long enough would either end up in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch. This should give you an idea of what this city will look like. In the day the city is active with working people and tourists, whilst at night it dims down to a quiet ambiance of late night restaurants, cafés and bars. Though it’s growing cosmopolitan air, there’s no shortage of parks, quaint lanes, rivers and greens to escape to. If ever I were to migrate to NZ, Christchurch will be where I’d choose to build my home (of course with hubby’s consent :)
Sculpture from The Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu
Bridge of remembrance overlooking sunset
Deciding to add on a little knowledge about the Antartic, we headed off to the International Antartic Centre where they walk you through conditions and facts of living in the South Pole. Cladding on jackets as thick as our bed comforters we entered a room where a snow storm actually blew. Despite knowing that everything is computer generated and that we’re only in the room for a few minutes, the feeling of getting out of the ‘storm’ was definitely persistent. With temperature dropping down to -20c and winds blowing at 40km/h our knees were already knocking against each other. I can’t imagine living in the Antartic, it’s a real challenge to the human physique.
Another fun attraction was being strapped in a Hagglund – the kind of vehicle they use in sub zero regions. With tires looking like chain saws, the bulky machine sat 10 of us swinging us up two storey high hills and crashing down without a dent or scratch on the vehicle. It can go through water devoid of it being flooded and drive vertical plains without tumbling down. The ride was not at all scary but it was made more enjoyable with children screaming and hands clasped tight on the handles in fear that we’d not make it on the next dip down the hill. Oh, we miss our Rangers already!
The hagglund ride
Animated boy next to us
Animated boy next to us (2)
Us on a snow sledge at International Antartic Centre
As the day folded to evening, we took a gondola up to Christchurch’s highest peak overlooking the city and her glittering lights.
Christchurch's view way up from the gondola
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