26 March 2008

Our love nest is ready!

Watching and putting our hands to work on our new home is almost like the birthing of a baby or sprouting of a long awaited new seed. Yes! It's finally ready to stay, renovated and decorated to the way we like it. Initially we had only plans to move into a minimally furnished home, but the Lord had blessed us through awesome family and friends. The house is complete with every necessity needed for comfortable living. 

As of this Sunday, No.8 will be our official residence. We've already had the privilege of ushering some guests into our home. Some have seen the progression of this lil "baby" while others have only seen the end product. 

Without fail each time we conduct a home tour (not that there are a lot of rooms to peep into), both Terence and I are filled with such gratitude of His evident hand of blessing upon our lives. Having a home we call ours means taking care of every crack, chip and spot on each wall and tile. It means making sure the kitchen is grease free and toilets sparkling. Now our responsibilities have just expanded from making our beds and washing the dishes to everything around the house. Perspectively, the responsibilities however don't scare us, instead the possibilities excite us. The possibilities of opening our home so that we can be a blessing to the people around us. 

For now, there's still lots of cleaning to be done before we can official throw a house warming party. Here's more snapshots of our love nest till then...

The hall with the inclusion of the stripey wall paper. We've yet to unwrap the sofa - that'll have to wait until after NZ

I love the way the wallpaper makes this wall look so streamlined 
Our toilet upstairs with newly built sliding shower doors 

The kitchen is plastered with comical chefs as a reminder that the greatest chefs in the world are men. It's also a note that the better should occupy the kitchen more often! 

Our featured wall as you enter. We spent 5 hours wallpapering this area. Tedious task that involved gooey glue, newspapers lined on the floor, an eye for detail and tons of patience!
The bookshelf was a worry as we had boxes of books between the both of us. Thankfully it's enough for now. Will have to think of some other storage for future books. 

One of our many featured 'artwork' around the home. What you see arranged into a heart shape are perfectly measured colour pencils created by my artsy husband to be.  

This is our wardrobe - custom made to suit our preference. The only thing in the house we splurged on but the results are most satisfying. 

The lamp above our bed. Doesn't it echo our wedding card design? "Sexy lights" is what Terence calls it... 

Finally our yet to be furnished study. This will have to wait until after the wedding. 

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